Monday, September 21, 2009

What I Want

Thank you, God, that you don't give me everything I want, because when I look back over my life, I see that you give me exactly what I need. Refresh this perspective when I think I am in the pool of scarcity, when I'm actually in the sea of abundance.

How many times have I lamented about what I don't have? How many times have I worried about not having enough? As I mature in my faith, and in my status as a human in the world, I have finally seen that it is an immense blessing to not receive the things I believed I wanted. What a gift of grace this is, to understand that to perpetually desire disregards the many things I do have. I think about my "Biggie" (for those who know me, my grandmother) who talks about gifts she received as a child: a shared bike with her brother, and fruit. Fruit--and she lights up when she talks about it!

So here I am, a blessed person-- a blessed person who desires a relationship when I have more friends than I can count. When the figurative scales fell off my eyes, I saw that I wasn't standing in a murky, stagnant pond, or a small pool cut off from the flow of blessings, but in a vast ocean of flowing opportunity and blessings. Perspective and reframing is my constant challenge, and today, I say the water is fine.

Reconciling action: I will appreciate the things that I have. I will not grasp for more because I have forgotten how God has blessed me. I will not get caught in the mill of insatiable desire, and I will say thank you for everything that has been given to me along the journey. Today, I will honor that less is more.

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