Thursday, August 20, 2009


Love waits, watches, hopes, longs for, empowers, respects, lingers, gives with abandon, receives without obligation, and reveals beauty. Love smiles and grows just when you need it. Love is right here, and will be always.
I have always beat myself up for being who I am. I am a dreamer. I fantasize. I imagine. After years of not receiving "the" hug, "the" support I desired from parents, "the" affirmation from them I wanted, I am grateful that I still believe that authentic love is possible, and that I am a lover. I don't make the distictions that most do; I believe that love can be made manifest in a myriad of way, but ultimately, I believe that love is love. So, patiently I wait, not for the perfect companion, but for the one who believes that relationship is the gift God give us that allows us to "perfect" each other, like metal sharpening metal. I watch for signs, listen to words of hope. I have developed my heart of stone into one that is cracked open wide, allowing myself to be encountered and touched deeply, and appreciating that it will bleed and hurt. For the sake of love, it is so worth it.
Reconciling action: I acknowledge that to love is a risky endeavor. I will do so, because I don't believe God calls us to safety. So today, without even knowing who will accept the challenge of loving me in return. I will open myself to love, relaizing that it has nothing to do with Hollywood's version of love; it is not without seams, chaos, or confusion. Still, I welcome it. I will breath and feel and speak the sounds of love until love comes my way.

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