If this society would stop its consumerism, people would be less lonely. It is an exercise in privilege to "shop" for the "perfect" man or woman, and miss the chance for a great relationship. You might lose your gift from God searching for a dime piece.
On the surface, this may sound like a plea for companionship for myself. This may appear to be my admittance that I am lonely, or longing for someone to see me for who I am. Honestly, these things may be true. However, I am speaking to the deeper truth, the more profound reality of relationships as a consequence of the larger society's preoccupation. Personally, my issues will come to their own conclusion. This isn't about keeping my mind stayed on Jesus (for he is on my mind), or reading Proverbs 31 to be reminded of the well-rounded woman (for I am well-rounded). This is about the awareness that the way society approaches relationships is quite different from how it used to be, and more than likely how God created us to be. I know that this is a nuanced argument, but I think it is worth the time and the consideration.
We are social creatures. We crave relationship. This is how God made us. It is nothing wrong with any of us who desire to be in relationship, and furthermore I honor the fact that God endowed us with the ability to choose. I have certainly enjoyed the ability to choose which schools I would attend, where I would live, even who I would marry, etc. However, as a minister, I have had several conversations that all evolve around loneliness, and the insanity that often accompanies it.
What I contend is that in a western society that is linear, individualistic, oppressive and exclusive, all of these things have crept into how we relate to one another. I know that attractiveness has always been important in the way we choose with whom we will be in relationship. Yet, I don't believe that we would have so many outside of community (because ultimately, I feel that this is what loneliness is) if we weren't such complete consumers.
Sure, my last boyfriend left much to be desired emotionally. He was antisocial and we weren't well matched. But do you know what he said to me? "My next girl is gonna be fine! You're smart and everything, but I need some arm candy. That's what I want, and I always get what I want." Besides the fact he was trying to be hurtful, he was saying what many people say everyday. I always get what I want. I get the job. I get the car. I get the friends. I get the money. If you are not what I want, then too bad for you. What in the world does this have to do with good relationship? It only creates winners and losers, when there is the ability for everyone who chooses to have what they need. The sad thing is many people never engage or get to know people enough to make a decision so quickly as to whether or not they are compatible.
When I was a girl, I loved being around my grandmother's friends at social events. I was always curious about people and their behaviors, and how people interact with each other. I remember how Johnnie Mae (names changed for anonymity) with the limp eyelid and missing teeth was married for 30 years to Deacon Alsbrook. I remember looking at the pictures in their home at wedding pictures and seeing that she was younger in the pictures, but she always had the limp eyelid and the missing teeth. Deacon Jackson was not without his own aesthetic challenges... his breath stank through his face, and his lips made you afraid to kiss him for fear of getting drenched. But you know what? When anyone saw them together, there was no doubt that they adored each other. There was no doubt that they were in that thing together, and that there was nothing that they wouldn't do for the other. They were in love.
So, no pat phrases. No quick responses. I will never say, "You didn't pray enough." I will never say, "Just wait on the Lord." My response is always God has a plan for your life that doesn't hurt, that doesn't leave you alone, that doesn't require poverty or an impoverished spirit (for the sake of poverty). It may require change, and it may be challenging. God desires that we are whole and fulfilled, and if this is not the case, I contend that it is because humans often superimpose their own agendas on top of God's way, and relabel it as God's. God will let us do it our way, but there will be a lot of oppressed and sad people on the fringes of society asking "why?" when we should be asking ourselves what we are even doing.
Reconciling Action: I will be reconciled to the fact that over the course of history, humans have made a simple gift from God an impossibly complicated thing. I will not beat myself up or try to make myself over when people reject me because I am not Beyonce's twin, and I will continue to open myself up to risk loving and being loved when love comes to me. I will refuse the notion that if I am not in relationship, then I must not be in the will of God, particularly when I know that most people believe only winners can speak for God. I will use the time alone to improve my own life, and I refuse to participate in games just to show that I can play them too. I will also accept my life of singleness rather than be in bad relationship. I will be, unashamedly and completely, me.
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