I am trying to do something about it. I am not the kind of person who believes that divine intervention means that God is a genie who will do what I want. I don't believe that through some incantation and dance my man is going to show up on the doorstep. I do believe that it is important to be love for someone else and to love yourself, and that doing this makes one more attractive and ready to be in relationship. So, I know that God is able. I am glad to see love around me. I don't envy it. I don't hate to see people happy. I relish in their good fortune, because I know that God's law of the universe is that if God can bless them, God can do it for me! Well!
So, I come to my point. I really am not putting out an advertisement as much as I want to say that we are called as single people to determine who we are and what we want for ourselves. I will not give myself over to anyone. I have in the past, and I contend that sort of desperation always leaves a sour taste in your mouth, and a confusion about why you are even with the person (not to mention the confusion of your friends and family). Desperation is a tragic and terrible thing. Because of life's circumstances, I have to be mindful not to fall into that pit, because it can make you do so things that you cannot even understand. I came across an email that someone sent me a couple of years ago that proves my point. The woman highlighted here is my figurative sister, though I cannot imagine now in my life being low enough to agree to what she did. The attachment to the email is a legal document--a post-nuptial agreement of sorts. It is stamped by the county clerk and signed off by the probate judge.
Excuse the grammatical issues. There are lots of them and they are the author's. The document reads as follows, and I have changed the names in case these people are reading.
The agreement between Tom and Jerrisha Smith. I, Jerrisha Smith agree to the following:
- I agree to only clean our home, 225 Buster Street, Alexandria, VA 00001 in a manner that is acceptable to Tom Smith.
- I Jerrisha Smith, agree that the Ford Explorer belong to Tom Smith and that I will keep it clean all the time and that the driver of it will be Tom Smith at all time.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree to only work at Jobs that Tom Smith approval of at all time.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree to attend Church with my husband Tom Smith at New Walk of the Covenant of Jesus Christ Church. (The original name was sooo similar.)
- I Jerrisha Smith agree to conduct myself in a manner fitting a minister wife.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree that I will not communicate with none of my past associate as of right now.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree to contribute all wages, gift, donation, contribution and the like to my husband, Tom Smith to be distribute as he see fit.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree to honor my marriage vows and covenant that I made between God and my husband Tom Smith.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree not to communicate with any of my husband phyicians and not go to any courts and try to get him commit to any hospital about his mental capacity myhusband name is Tom Smith.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree not to attend the Edge of Night Church (again, pretty similar to the original) for any funcitions, of sevices, fellowships and move my membership to The New Walk of the Covenant of Jesus Christ Church.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree that I will not cause no further trouble in my husband life by trying to have him arrested and calling any law enforcement agency on my husband Tom Smith.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree that only Lil' Tom Smith can stay at 225 Buster Street this is my only child that I want. Staying with me and my husband Tom Smith.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree that Jerry and Jereal (her biological children) can never stay with me and my husband Tom Smith or visit at 225 Buster Street.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree that I will encourage my husband Tom Smith about good things and that I will be kind, nice and have the God kind of love for him the Agape Love and that I will respect my husband Tom and show him affection due him because he is my husband Tom Smith.
- I Jerrisha Smith agree not to abuse my husband Tom Smith.
Ummm... as much as I crave relationship, I know that there is something very wrong with this picture. Jerrisha is the poster child for oppressed women, and she must have truly been in survival mode and desperation to let him dictate this to her (as it obviously was), and then dress her body, and put on her shoes to take it to the courthouse to be made a legal document. I'm not even hating pre- and post-nuptial agreements. Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do, especially if children are involved--or you are Kanye West:) But this is a hot mess! The sad part is, if "Jerrisha" is still with her husband, you know she is a miserable soul. She is missing her children, and probably is cut off from friends and family that could tell her this man is a fool.
I've been with someone, wondering why I let him decide to be with me and just went with it. It is no treat to wake up after you have checked off your pitiful goals and realize that your list was significantly incomplete. Instead of just wanting "a man", I want the man that is well-suited for me. I pray for myself and for everyone discerning how to be in relationship that we enter love choicefully, with the desire for wholeness and happiness for both people. This is a beautiful place.
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