are the spiritual refugees who long to be a part of a church, but find
no room in the inn, for they shall see God. Blessed are they who will
avoid church this morning, because their hearts have been broken by
their unfaithful faith leader. Blessed are they who will flip through
television stations to hear the good news because they have been
dis-invited from the church with dirty looks or no word of welcome.
Blessed are the pastors and faith leaders who lead with integrity, and
speak the prophetic word of God, instead of the word that will maintain
their employment. Blessed are the ones who will pray for forgiveness to
God, and not experience it in their families or churches. Blessed are
they that mourn from abuse, violence, oppression and mistreatment, and
are told to "get over it". Blessed are the ones who never said a
mumbling word, and are caught up in a swirl of malicious gossip.
Blessed are those who are told to stay with abusive partners. Blessed
are the beautiful ones who wear what they have to church, and are judged
for it. Blessed are the souls who are told that who they are is a sin,
often by those who, in action and deed, are their kin. Blessed are all
those pushed out of the church by people, when God is continually
welcoming everyone in, for theirs is the Kin-dom of God.